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With Sara Papa at “CUCINARE”
Tuesday 25 March 2014

“…Excuse me, are you Sara?…” Yes!

“I say, what’s this? Salmon???”. No, it’s trout from San Daniele!

These two simple questions marked the beginning of a friendship based on mutual respect and appreciation.

The “matchmaker” was the Cucinare show in Pordenone, where Sara Papa, the queen (let’s admit it..) of leavening and bread (www.sarapapa.eu ) was wandering around the stands when the bright colour of a Regina di San Daniele rainbow trout fillet caught her eye. Hence the light-hearted exchange, which ended with a “cor, this is good!!!” and a promise to “cross-fertilise” with our Regina di San Daniele the two bread workshops Sara was holding the next day.

The first was at the Stars Cooking Arena with a fascinating lesson on the importance of flours, on ingredients, on basic methods of making the world’s most common food, bread, which in this case was presented in a very Mediterranean version with lemon zest. A subtle flavour that went very well with the sweet fragrance of Regina di San Daniele smoked trout – a real success!

The second, held in the Arrex Arena was all about… not bread, but crackers made from PetraViva™ germinated-grain flours and a skilful, and unusual, addition of aniseed. A delight for the palate splendidly paired with Regina di San Daniele, which was elected the ideal zero-mile product thanks to Sara Papa’s tempting dishes!