home > recipes > Tortello Stuffed with Trota Chef agli Agrumi and Artichokes on an Artichoke Sauce
Tortello Stuffed with Trota Chef agli Agrumi and Artichokes on an Artichoke Sauce
[ Trout ]
For the pasta dough: 200 g 00 flour, 30 g durum-wheat flour, 150 g egg yolk, 15 g extra-virgin olive oil, 7 g salt, water.

For the stuffing: 4 artichokes, 100 g fresh ricotta, 250 g Trota Chef agli Agrumi.

For the sauce: 4 artichokes, 70 g single cream, salt, pepper.

Prepare the pasta dough: knead the flours with the egg yolk, oil and salt and add enough water for a firm, elastic dough. Wrap it in clingfilm and leave it to rest for at least an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing. Wash and trim the artichokes, cutting off the tougher leaves. Cut in half, remove the choke. Trim the stems, removing the outer layer. Finely slice the hearts and stems and cook in a non-stick saucepan with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Add a little vegetable stock occasionally if the mixture gets dry. When the artichokes are cooked transfer half to a bowl and add the ricotta and the roughly-chopped citrus-flavoured Trota Chef. Mix thoroughly and adjust the seasoning. Roll out the pastry to ½mm thickness. Using a round pastry cutter make discs of 7-8 cm diameter. Brush them lightly with beaten egg and spoon a little trout-and-artichoke filling into the centre. Fold over the dough into a half-moon shape and seal the edge carefully. Cook the tortelli for 3-4 minutes in salted boiling water, drain them and cook them gently in a frying pan with a knob of butter. Prepare the sauce. Add the remaining cooked artichokes to the single cream with a ladleful of vegetable stock. Bring the mixture to the boil and purée with a stick blender. Strain through a chinois sieve then place back on the heat. Thicken the sauce by adding a teaspoon of cornflour dissolved in a little cold water and whisk it in.

Pour a thin layer of artichoke sauce in the centre of the plate. Arrange the Chef trout and artichoke-filled tortelli on top. Add a few tiny chunks of citrus-flavoured Chef trout and garnish with julienne strips of lemon and orange zest and a few mint leaves.

Recommended wine: Friulano
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