home > recipes > Riso Venere and Crescenza Timbale with Fil di Fumo and Yogurt Sauce
Riso Venere and Crescenza Timbale with Fil di Fumo and Yogurt Sauce
[ Trout ]
3 Fil di Fumo fillets, 160 g Venere rice, 80 g fresh crescenza cheese, 20 g lemon balm leaves, 1 125g pot low-fat yogurt, salt, pepper, extra-virgin olive oil.

Bring lightly-salted water to the boil in a large saucepan, cook the Venere rice for 30 minutes, then take the pan off the heat and leave the rice to cool in its cooking water. Take half the lemon balm leaves and chop finely. Drain and dry the rice and tip it into a bowl. Add the crescenza, the chopped leaves and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix well. Divide the mixture into 4 individual aluminium moulds and place them in the fridge to firm for about 2 hours. Empty the yogurt into a blender together with half a hot-smoked trout fillet. Add a few lemon balm leaves and a pinch of salt and pepper. Whiz everything to a smooth, velvety sauce. Roughly tear the remaining Fil di Fumo fillets into pieces.
Pour the yogurt sauce onto the centre of the serving plates. Unmould a Venere rice timbale in the centre. Top with a few Fil di Fumo pieces. Arrange more fillet pieces around the timbale. Garnish with a few small lemon balm leaves. Drizzle a little extra-virgin oil over and serve immediately.

Recommended wine: Ribolla Gialla
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