home > recipes > Warm Aubergine Parmigiana with Trota Chef alla Mediterranea
Warm Aubergine Parmigiana with Trota Chef alla Mediterranea
[ Trout ]
Serves 4: 3 round aubergines, 3 fillets Trota Chef alla Mediterranea, 150 g cooking mozzarella (low moisture), 200 g dried cherry tomatoes in oil, a few fresh oregano leaves, plain flour, groundnut oil for frying, salt.

Cut the stalk off the aubergines, peel them in alternate strips then cut into 1cm-thick slices. Place the slices in a colander, sprinkle salt over them and leave them for an hour to lose any excess moisture. Pat the slices dry with kitchen paper, coat them lightly with flour and deep-fry them in plenty of hot oil. Turn them over in the oil and remove them when golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper. Dice the mozzarella and coarsely chop the Mediterranean-style Chef trout fillets. Drain the dried cherry tomatoes, dry them on kitchen paper and cut into thin strips. Assemble the parmigiana in a buttered baking dish: cover the bottom with slices of fried aubergine followed by a handful of diced mozzarella and a tablespoonful of dried-tomato strips. Arrange over these a few pieces of Mediterranean-style Chef trout and a few fresh oregano leaves. Repeat these layers until all the ingredients have been used up. Finish with a layer of aubergines and diced mozzarella. Oven-bake at 180°C for 20 minutes or until the mozzarella topping has melted and turned golden brown. Remove the aubergine parmigiana from the oven and leave to rest at room temperature for 20-25 minutes. Cut into portions and serve lukewarm, garnish each plate a few fresh oregano leaves. Drizzle a good extra-virgin olive oil over and serve.

Recommended wine: Chardonnay
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