home > recipes > Rainbow Trout Cheeks “in bloom”
Rainbow Trout Cheeks “in bloom”
[ Trout ]
For 4 people:
1 jar of trout cheeks, trout bottarga, 8 baby zucchini with flower, 100 gr. of ham or speck cut into 3 mm thick slices, salt, pepper, the juice of half a lemon, 4 slices of wholemeal bread.

Gently remove the flowers from the zucchini and wash them. Dry them and slice them into thin slices. Deprive the flowers of the pistils, wash them, dry them and break them up. Cut the slices of ham or speck into thin strips.
Remove the crust from the sandwich bread and cut into cubes on the side of one centimeter. Toast the croutons in the oven or in a pan anti-adherent. Drain the "Trout Cheeks" from the oil and keep it aside.
Emulsify the cheek oil with the lemon juice and use the emulsion to season the zucchini, adding a pinch of salt and pepper.

Composition of the Plate
Compose the salad directly on the plate. Arrange the zucchini slices in the center.
Place the chopped flowers on top of the zucchini. Distribute the strips of ham or speck and finally the "Trout Cheeks". Arrange the croutons of wholemeal bread in a circle around the salad.
Season with a few spoons of lemon emulsion, sprinkle with the "Trout Bottarga" and serve.

Recommended wine: Friulano collinare
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