home > recipes > Fusilli 30-70 with broccoli in two consistencies, anchovies and toasted pine kernels
Fusilli 30-70 with broccoli in two consistencies, anchovies and toasted pine kernels
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For 4 people:
320 gr. di Fusilli ’30-70’
1 head of broccoli
1 shallot
4 Cantabrian anchovy fillets
50 g pine kernels
Salt, pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Wash the broccoli and separate the smaller spears from the main part of the head. Steam the spears, remove while still firm and keep to one side. Cut the remainder of the broccoli into coarse chunks. Peel the shallot and slice finely. Gently fry the shallot in a frying pan, add 2 anchovy fillets and leave to dissolve. Add the broccoli and let the flavours mingle, seasoning with salt and pepper if necessary. Add a little water and continue until cooked. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and blend to a smooth, creamy consistency. Toast the pine kernels in a frying pan until they are golden brown on both sides.
Cook the Fusilli in lightly salted boiling water and drain while still firm to the bite. Mix the Fusilli with the creamed broccoli in a frying pan, and at the last minute, add the broccoli spears. Transfer to plates and top with the toasted pine kernels and a few pieces of Cantabrian Anchovies.

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